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Consultation by phone

You can reach us on 01 - 588 77 81
Our hotline is staffed by specialised lawyers

  • on TUESDAY between 9 am - 1 pm
  • on THURSDAY between 9 am - 1 pm
Pictogram about "Consulting by phone by ECC staff"

ECC Hotline

Ask online or send a complaint

Do you have problems with companies abroad or a question about your rights? The best way is to enter your request in our online form. First open this explanatory page. It informs you about the requirements so that we can take action for you free of charge. The input mask for questions and complaints is linked at the very top of that page.

Orange circular pictogram shows laptop with three numbered checkboxes on the screen, with the centre one selected

Input mask for questions and complaints

Danger at holiday destination

On behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, the ECC is an official counselling centre on legal issues concerning travel to dangerous areas affected by natural disasters, threat of war, unrest, epidemics or terrorism. Would you like to find out about cancellation options and costs in case of travel cancellation, travel insurance, the meaning of an official travel warning or similar?

Pictogram about "Danger at the holiday location"

When danger threatens at the destination

Kartenausschnitt zeigt EVZ Wien Standort und Pfeile von den Verkehrsanbindungen dorthin
Image: EVZ Österreich
Eingang zum VKI Beratungszentrum Mariahilferstraße
Image: EVZ Österreich

Vienna office

European Consumer Centre Austria
Mariahilfer Straße 81
A-1060 Vienna
🚇 U3 station Zieglergasse / Neubaugasse
🚌13A / 14A station Neubaugasse
🚗 We are located in the pedestrian zone!
🅿️ Parking garage in Damböckgasse 4

Straßenansicht des Eingangs zum VKI / EVZ in Innsbruck
Image: EVZ Österreich

Innsbruck office

European Consumer Centre Tirol
Maximilianstraße 9
A-6020 Innsbruck
🚆600m from train station via Salurnerstraße
🚌 Station Landesgericht
🚋 Station Triumphbogen / Casino

Press enquiries

If you are a journalist and require information on cross-border consumer protection topics or interview partners on the subject, please contact our host organisation´s press office: presse@vki.at

Pictogram showing interview situation


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