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Rights when booking and using hire cars

Rundes graues Piktogramm mit Auto- und Schlüsselsymbol vor einem Fotohintergrund, der eine breite Asphaltstraße an einer Küste zeigt
Image: EVZ Österreich

When using a hire car abroad, we recommend the ECC network's travel app for legal information, practical support and language assistance. (Find it in the Apple App Store  and Google Playstore) Further information on the subject of car hire, suitable sample letters and situation-specific instructions can be found in our guides below.

Our collected guides on the topic of car hire

Booking rental cars online

Those wo want to be flexible and mobile at their holiday destination often book their rental car online in advance. ECC Austria summarised important tips.

On tour with a rental car

Many travellers take the chance to explore foreign countries with a rental car. ECC Austria shows how to avoid problems.

Driving bans in Italy

Who drives in Italy with his car should be aware of driving bans in the city centres. Driving in a so called "zona a traffico limitato" without a special permit is expensive.

Tolls in Austria

In this guide, we explain the peculiarities of the Austrian toll system. Using examples, we show the typical mistakes and how to avoid problems with the toll. And what to do if a penalty is imposed after all.

Winter tire obligations in Europe

In time for the winter travel season, we present an overview over the different obligations regarding winter tires in Europe. The information was gathered and is provided by our Network of the European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net).

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