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Hurricane Maria

Puerto Rico, DomRep and Virgin Islands endangered

Only two weeks after the devastating hurricane "Irma", another storm hits the Carribean. "Maria" has been graded as categorie 5 storm with winds up to 260 km/h.

The storm already hit the island Dominica where the damages are severe. Other islands reported of floods, power cuts and landslides. Furthermore, "Maria" causes heavy swell and strong rain. The storm is currently on its way to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic. Citizen were asked to stay at home or go to one of the emergency shelters. Some cities announced curfews or evacuations.

If you booked a journey to one of the affected areas, we recommend to contact your contractual partner. For package travellers, the tour operator (not the travel agency) is your contact point. For individual travellers, turn to the airline and the hotel. Ask if the journey / flight will be operated. If you don't want to travel, ask for the option of withdrawal and explain to them that the basis of your contract has ceased due to the dangerous situation at your destination. If you want to travel at some later stage or maybe to another destination, ask for the option of rebooking / alternative travel.

Tips & help from your ECC

The British newspaper "The Guardian" provides real-time information with its liveticker about Hurricane "Maria". Find out more about your rights in our section "Danger at destination".

If you need personal advise, please contact us via mail (info@europakonsument.at ) or at our free hotline: 01/588 77 63.

Our sample letters may help you to contact your contractual partner. Please note that they are only available in German:

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