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Danger at Destination

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Travel cancellation during heatwave?

With the record temperatures and the associated forest fires at the vacation destination, is it possible to cancel a trip free of charge? We explain on which details the answer depends.

EU health certificate to enable travel during summer holidays

Preparations are in full swing to enable a legislative and technical basis for an EU-wide digital vaccination and testing card before the start of the summer holidays, to replace the numerous Covid19 restrictions and quarantine requirements for health certificate holders. Despite many difficulties, the project is ambitious in terms of time. It is intended to be practical and fair. We summarise the framework and goals that have been set out.

Skiing and Corona - what are the rules in the Alpine countries?

Finally, a winter with good snow and the semester break is upon us! But the pandemic is putting the brakes on the desire to travel and bringing the ski circus to a standstill in many places. Yet the restrictions in Austria are relatively low compared to other countries. Unless you want to come skiing from abroad.

Worldwide travel warning except for 10 countries

As of midnight tonight, i.e. as of 00:00 on 19.12.2020, a travel warning issued by the Austrian Foreign Ministry applies to practically the entire world. 10 states are exempt from this. What does this mean for a planned trip for the holidays?

Government cancels all events

The Coronavirus paralyses public life in spring to Easter. A public event ban was issued by the Austrian Government.

Coronavirus in China

The Coronavirus ravages a Chinese province and the media is full of that. What does it mean for your rights of withdrawal in package tours?

Help abroad

30.04.2018 / New rules for EU citizens

Terror and natural disasters

Currently, frightened consumers turn to the ECC, because they planned a trip and are unsure whether or not it is secure. On behalf of the Ministry (BMASK), we provide free advice on "Danger at destination". Many consumers want to know if they can withdraw from the journey free of charge.

Hurricane Maria

19.09.2017 / Puerto Rico, DomRep and Virgin Islands endangered

Crisis, war, terrorism

Not a day passes without reports about attacks, plane crashes, hijacks, hostage-taking or bombings. Up until now, those almost always regarded the many, but far off crisis hot spots in Asia or Africa, but with the attacks in Paris, the events reached the heart of Europe. In Brussels, the highest terror alert level was raised, the US declared a global travel warning and suddenly border fences are broadly discussed. In this, to say the least, unsettled situation, it becomes hard to look forward to a holiday trip.

Earthquake in Nepal

28.04.2015 / Government declared state of emergency in affected regions after natural disaster.

Help abroad: Equal treatment for EU citizens

A new EU Directive regulates that EU citizens in emergency situations can make use of consular protection worldwide. Even if their home country is not represented at their destination, they are entitled to equal treatment by diplomatic or consular authorities of other EU Member States.

Terror attack in Tunisia

20.03.2015 / Changing safety situation unsettles consumers who plan trips to Tunisia

Ebola: ECC Austria informs

The Ebola epidemic in West Africa spreads insecurity among European consumers. The European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) provides information about the current situation.

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