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Wizz Air: Trouble with check-in

Not possible online, expensive at the airport

We receive numerous complaints regarding the check-in procedure of Wizz Air. Already in October 2018 we reported about the problems, see our article "Attention when booking Wizz Air".

At the cheapest fare, which is the most popular among consumers, only the online check-in is for free. If a passenger wants to check in and get his boarding pass at the airport, e.g. at the counter, Wizz Air charges a fee of approximately 30 euro.

Wizz Air does not give in

We don't think that's right. Unfortunately, it is not possible to reach out-of-court solutions with Wizz Air at the moment.

Your flight's just coming up? Please read our tips on how to avoid trouble and costs at the check-in

Your flight already took place?

Please pay attention to the information below about your options for taking action against the check-in fee.

Online check-in didn't work

Many consumers tell us that they wanted to check in online anyway, but it didn't work. As a result, they had no choice but to check-in at the airport for a fee.

Dispute before court

As already mentioned, those cases with Wizz Air currently can't be solved out-of-court.

However, the situation is different in court: In a case against Laudamotion, the Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI) recently challenged a similar check-in rule and obtained justice (see the German article by the VKI Legal Department).

The Arbeiterkammer (AK) is therefore considering a lawsuit against Wizz Air. We will inform you as soon as a legally binding judgement has been reached. However, this may take some time.

What does this mean for you?

  • If you have a legal expenses insurance, we advise you to apply for coverage there.
  • If you wish to hire a lawyer without such legal expenses cover, please note the risk of legal costs.
  • If neither of the above options is suitable for you, we advise you to request a refund of the check-in fee with our sample letter (only available in German).

Experience has shown that Wizz Air will refuse the refund. However, by sending the sample letter, you can prove that you at least tried. Then wait and see whether Wizz Air will be judged in the course of AK Wien's legal action.

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Tips for check-in with Wizz Air

Tips for check-in with Wizz Air

We receive numerous complaints about Wizz Air: At the cheapest fare, only the online check-in is for free. If a passenger wants to check in at the airport, Wizz Air charges a fee. 

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