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Explosions in Thailand

Bombs in popular tourist spots

Update, 12 a.m.: According to the news, attacks happened in eight different places in Thailand. Authorities still believe that they are coordinated actions by local groups which are not linked to international terrorism but are connected to internal issues of the South-East Asian country. Media reports that four people have been killed, more than 30 got injured, also tourists from Europe.

In the night from Thursday to Friday, several bombs exploded in Thailand in three different tourist destinations, namely the cities Hua Hin and Phang Nga, as well as in Patong on the island Phuket.

Authorities consider the attacks as coordinated actions by local groups. The explosions caused deaths, but the exact numbers are not yet clear. An Austrian woman got injured in Hua Hin.

Besides Hua Hin, the very popular island Phuket was also affected. Thailand is looking forward to a long weekend on the occasion of the birthday of Queen Sirikit. Therefore, not only foreign tourists, but also many Thais are travelling to the tourist spots for vacation. Until now, the background of the attacks is not clear.

The European Consumer Centre (ECC) is eager to inform you about the current situation as it develops. If you plan a trip to the affected areas and the events unsettle you, please don't hesitate to contact the hotline "Danger at destination"  (01 588 77 63). The travel experts of ECC Austria will give you free advice.

ECC Austria further recommends to follow the media reports and to save articles that may help you to present your case to the tour operator. Another good source of information is the Foreign Ministry (BMEIA).

Please find detailed information regarding your rights in case of "Danger at destination" in this article: Crisis, war, terrorism

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