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Forest fires in Southern Europe

Import information and contacts

Currently, massive forest fires are happening in France, Portugal and Italy. Media reports about evacuations, burned-out cars and tireless firemen. The fires also affect some popular tourist regions.

You plan a trip to one of the respective countries and are now unsure? We summarised the most important information and contacts for you.

Withdrawal free of charge

At first, it is important to get informed about the current situation. Besides the media reports, you should also carefully read the travel information of the Austrian Foreign Ministry (BMEIA). There you will find specific information about your destination.

If you can withdraw free of charge depends on the following details:

Geographic location

Find out which specific regions or cities are affected by the forest fires. Is your destination among them? If so, you could argue that your stay would be too dangerous. If your destination is far from any danger zone, this argument would not be sufficient. 

Where are the fires currently? (as of July 26)

  • France: Departement Var (e.g. near Saint Tropez) and Corsica
  • Portugal: Centre & South (e.g. in the cities of Freixoeiro near Macao, Setubal near Lisbon)
  • Italy: Near the cities of Rome & Milan

The time factor

Of course it is difficult to estimate, when the forest fires will be under control. However: If your journey is just around the corner, your chances of withdrawal free of charge are much higher than with a travel date in a few weeks.

Package travel or individual?

Another decisive point is the type of travel. A package travel is one bundle of at least two travel services, that you booked for one price. A classic combination would be flight and hotel. In most cases, the stay at your destination is therefore part of the contract. If the stay would put you at severe risk, the basis of the transaction ceases ("cessation of the basis of transaction"). Your contact person is the tour operator (not the travel agency).

If you travel individually (e.g. with your own car) and only booked a hotel, the situation is different. Regarding the hotel, the national law of your destination applies. It is possible that there are no national rules like "cessation of the basis of transaction". You can only hope that your contractual partner shows some good will. We recommend to contact the accommodation and to carefully read the conditions of your travel insurance (e.g. credit card insurance).

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in folgenden Artikeln:

Find further information in the following articles:

Important contacts

You are already in the country and face a dangerous situation or need information? In this case, please turn to the respective Austrian embassy (see below). In case of emergency, please call the European emergency number 112. It is available in all EU Member States for free and will connect you to the local emergency services.




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