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Terror attack in Tunisia

Safety situation unsettles tourists

On Wednesday, 18.03.2015, a terrorist attack took place in the Tunisian capital Tunis, in the immediate vicinity of the national Bardo museum. According to latest information, 25 persons were killed, 20 of which were tourists. The islamist terror group Islamic State ("IS") claimed responsibility for the attack. The two assassins were shot by police forces on Wednesday, another nine persons suspected of having supported the attack were arrested.

Information of the foreign ministry

The attack causes uncertainty, not only among Tunisian citizens, but also among consumers who plan to travel to the Arabic country. The Austrian foreign ministry (BMEIA) calls for great caution at touristic places and urban centres. It recommends for consumers to use the service "Reiseregistrierung" (travel registration). For the Sahara region, the BMEIA declares a partial travel warning. It strongly advises against trips to the northwestern parts of the country (Kasserine, Silliana, Le Kef, Jendouba und Beja). For the country's remaining regions, an increased safety risk is considered.

It is important to get information about the safety situation before and during the journey and to follow instructions by national authorities. Late night tours or trips to dangerous areas should be avoided by all means.

Free advice regarding "Danger at destination"

The European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) in cooperation with the Sozialministerium (Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection) provides advice for consumers who plan a journey to a country where the safety situation suddenly changes for the worse.

Please find information regarding your rights in this situation here: Withdrawal due to risk at your holiday destination

For personal advice, please call our hotline 01/ 588 77 63 (Mo-Fr, 9-15) or write us an email to info@europakonsument.at .

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