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Ebola: ECC Austria informs

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The Ebola epidemic in West Africa spreads insecurity among European consumers. The European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) provides information about the current situation.

In Austria, no cases of infections were reported. Ebola is concentrating on West Africa where it is already subsiding. Since its outbreak in Guinea in March 2014, the epidemic has spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. Furthermore, in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Nigeria citizens were infected. The spread in DR Congo is not related to the others. Nigeria was declared free of Ebola.

In Europe, a Spanish nurse contracted the virus while treating patients from West Africa. By now, she was tested negative for Ebola twice. Other suspected cases were not confirmed. Regarding the USA, several cases of infections were reported. The US therefore increased their security measures at various airports, but this is only precaution. The risc of getting Ebola while travelling to the US is very low.

Informations about the epidemic can be received at the websites of World Health Organisation (WHO) and Doctors without Borders (MSF). Both are observing the situation on the ground as well as worldwide. It is recommended that consumers carefully follow the media coverage.

The Austrian Federal Government for Health has set up a hotline for consumers who have questions about Ebola. The number is 050 555 555 and is available from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 5.

The "Danger at Destination" service of the European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) provides information to consumers who plan a trip to a country or region where unforeseen dangers occur (e.g. political conflicts or natural disaster). It is free of charge and can be reached under 01/ 588 77 63.

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