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Written warning by a lawyer

Accusation of copyright infringement

Injunction, removal or license fee possible

Regarding copyright infringements, a rightsholder often employs a lawyer to contact the consumer.

The written warning may demand injunction, removal or possibly a license fee. Additionally the lawyer will charge you for his intervention. As these fees are to be calculated under Austrian law, trademark and copyright infringements can quickly result in high attorney bills.

Should German lawyers contact you, it is mostly because of violations of law in Germany. Regarding this, there are some specific provisions: According to § 97a Urheberrechtsgesetz a warning letter must have a certain form and it is specified how much money the lawyer is allowed to demand for his work.

Note: There is no cost limit for copyright infringement in Austria, written warnings normally given by Austrian lawyers.

Last updated on 01.12.2014

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