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Amazon phishing mails circulating

Alleged tax bill for sellers

Many consumers receive mails regarding "invoice about your seller charges at Amazon.de [12/2016]". Those turn out to be phishing attempts. The senders try to get personal data from the receivers.

The mail supposedly contains an "electronic tax bill" for people who sold goods via the Amazon Marketplace. The online company does not provide such a service, even though the mail states that Amazon adapted its service in order to make sales tax calculation easier for their customers.The text is full of errors.

If you open the HTML attachment, you are forwarded to a website that looks like the login of Amazon. Entering your personal data (e.g. nickname, e-mail-address, phone number, password) means sending them to the dubious senders of the phishing mail.

This scam is not new. The Watchlist Internet already warned against very similar mails months ago.

Tips from your ECC

  • Mails with a lot of errors should make you suspicious.
  • Check the address of the sender. Is it different from the usual one?
  • Companies like Amazon use a personal form of address with your name. A general wording like "Good day" or "Dear customer" is not common.
  • Don't open attachments or links in such mails! They may contain viruses or other malware.
  • Don't enter personal data.
  • If you are uncertain whether or not the mail is trustworthy, contact the customer service of the company separately.
  • If you already entered personal data, change your passwort for Amazon immediately. Maybe also change your mail address and other passwords.
  • Check your bank account for any unusual or unauthorized payments.

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