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Brussels: Explosions at airport and metro station

Help for tourist with destination Brussels

Update: The Austrian Foreign Ministry has installed a hotline for relatives and those affected:

  • In Austria: 05011504411
  • For Austrians in Belgium: +4319011544 11

More information is provided on the website of the ministry (in German language).

Update: Public transport is completely stopped in Brussels. The highest terror alert level was claimed.

Two explosions happened today, Tuesday, at the airport Zaventem in Brussels. It is not yet clear what caused the explosions. According to media reports, several people have been killed and injured. Another detonation took place in a metro station in the city.

The airport was evacuated and closed, the rail traffic to the airport was interrupted. All metro stations are closed as well.

If you plan a trip to Brussels in the near future and are now insecure, please don't hesitate to contact the European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) for help. At the hotline "Danger at Destination", you get legal advice free of charge. Please call 01/ 588 77 63. Experts will explain whether you can withdraw from the journey. You can also write an email to info@europakonsument.at . If you do, please also state your contact details.

ECC Austria recommends to closely follow the media reports and to save reliable articles.

Further information is provided in the section "Danger at Destination".

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