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Explosion in Istanbul

Background still unclear

On 12.01.2016, an explosion unsettled the Turkish city Istanbul at the popular Sultanahmet square that is very popular among tourists. The famous sights Hagia Sophia and blue mosque at the square attract thousands of tourists every day.

According to news reports, 10 persons died and 15 were injured, many of them were tourists. The background is not yet clear. The turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a TV speech that it was a suicid attack by a Syrian citizen. Up until now, no reports about Austrian victims came up.

The Austrian Foreign Ministry (BMEIA) published the contact details of the consulate general in Istanbul. Austrian citizens who are in the city right now are asked to call the following number: +905322620019.

The security level for Istanbul did not change. It is recommended to travellers to follow instructions by security authorities and to avoid mass gatherings of people. ECC Austria further advises to follow the media coverage closely.

If you are planning a trip to Turkey and are now unsure what to do, please feel free to contact ECC Austria. In the following article, the most important information regarding your rights is summarised. You can also call the service hotline 01/588 77 63 for free of charge legal advise about "Danger at destination" or send an email to info@europakonsument.at .

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