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Flights to Brussels

Information for travellers

After the attacks in Brussels on 22.03.2016, the airport that was damaged due to two explosions is being gradually opened again. Several foreign airlines, among them Lufthansa and AUA, are operating their flights to and from Brussels again.

The airlines published information about the current situation on their websites.

Austrian Airlines (AUA)

The AUA indicates that it only operates two flights per day and direction (VIE-BRU, BRU-VIE). Passengers have to carry their passport or another valid travel document with them. They should expect controls and longer waiting time. This does not only apply to flights to and from Brussels, but in the Schengen area in general.

All information by AUA is gathered here: flight information


Lufthansa resumed its flights to Brussels today, Tuesday, 05.04.2016. On the website, passengers can check whether their flights are rerouted or otherwise affected. Similar to AUA, it is obligatory to carry a passport or other valid travel document. It is recommended to come to the airport early, at least two hours before departure (within the Schengen area, for other flights it is at least three hours before). Boarding passes need to be printed, the mobile version (on the smartphone) won't be accepted.

Furthermore, Lufthansa passengers have several options to change their trip. Persons who bought their ticket before or on 01.04.2016 can rebook once for free. There is a shuttle service from Frankfurt to Brussels, which can also be used by AUA passengers. Flight tickets of Lufthansa can be changed to tickets of the German rail company Deutsche Bahn (DB).

All information by Lufthansa can be found here: Air travel Brussels

Brussels Airport

The Brussels airport set up an information website for passengers where everything with regards to arrival and departure is stated. Please note that it is currently not possible to reach or leave the airport via public transportation. Travellers need to organise a taxi or privat car instead. Some routes within the airport have changed, as explained on the website.

All current information and contact details of Brussels Airport can be found here: Brussels Airport


  • Try to travel with light luggage.
  • Carry your passport.
  • Print your boarding pass beforehand.
  • Find out about the current situation at the Brussels Airport before your trip.
  • Check the current flight status at the respective airline.
  • Drive to the airport as early as possible and be prepared for controls.
  • Follow the instructions by the airport security staff.

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