The EU has published its annual General Report. The nearly 100-pages document presents all tasks and challenges that the Union had to face in the previous year. A short version of 20 pages gives an overview regarding the ten priorities of the EU Commission and its respective activities in 2015. Both documents are available for free in all official languages of the EU Member States.
The following points were of high importance in 2015:
- A new boost for jobs, growth and investment
- A connected digital single market
- A resilient energy union with a forward-looking climate change policy
- A deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base
- A deeper and fairer economic and monetary union
- A reasonable and balanced free trade agreement with the United States
- An area of justice and fundamental rights based on mutual trust
- Towards a new policy on migration
- A stronger global actor
- A Union of democratic change
In his introductory statement, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker addresses the most important incidents of 2015. He mentions the terror attacks in Paris and the massiv stream of refugees as well as the crisis regarding Greece as examples of the big challenges. At the same time, he highlighted the successes of the previous year, in the international diplomacy (e.g. the climate deal in Paris and the agreement in the atomic conflict with Iran) as well as in the area of the digital single market (e.g. the end of roaming).
The report in all languages and various file formats can be downloaded on this website. The short version as PDF is attached to this article and also under "publications".