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Invoice from kinopalast24.com

Alleged annual subscription

Currently we get a lot of complaints from consumers concerning the streaming platform kinopalast24.com. The consumers registered on the website to watch movies. Five days later, they are requested to pay more than 200 Euro, because the free test phase has allegedly extended to an annual premium subscription.

No legal grounds

The company threatens to hire a debt collection agency and take legal steps if the consumers don't pay the sum of 238.80€. Don't let them intimidate you! You don't have to pay anything. The company is obliged to explicitly inform you about the upcoming extension of your contract. Without this reminder, the contract for an annual subscription is void.

Sample letter by the ECC

You can use our free sample letter for automatic contract extension (MB Automatische Vertragsverlängerung) to write to the providers of kinopalast24.com. Please note: Our sample letters are only available in German!

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