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Croatia in the EU

Consumer Centre in Zagreb opened

ECC-Net in all Member States

The European Commission appointed the European Consumer Centre Austria as a mentor for the new found European Consumer Centre Croatia.

From now on, the Network of the European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net), supported by the EU Commission, will consist of 30 centres (in the 28 Member States as well as Iceland and Norway).

In time for the holiday season it will be possible for the Network to handle consumer complaints regarding a company in Croatia and, vice versa, complaints of consumers from Croatia regarding a company in AustriA:

Kupnja i prodaja na internetu

The accession of Croatia was taken as an opportunity to translate a flyer of the well-received brochure series of ECC Austria into Croatian.

„Kupnja i prodaja na internetu“ (Buying and selling online) is the title of the flyer that gives important tips about buying and selling on the Internet.

The flyer can be downloaded in Croatian and German and is also available at the venue of ECC Austria, Mariahilfer Straße 81, 1060 Vienna.

Kroatiens Useful facts about the EU accession of Croatia

  • Vacation: The EU entry regulations stay the same, the drivers licence has to be adapted to EU format only in 2033.
  • Roaming: The favourable roaming tariffs do now apply in Croatia as well. Ask your mobile provider for more information.
  • No Schengen area: Croatia won't become a member of the Schengen area, therefore the summer traffic jams at the borders will stay.
  • Euro: The Euro is not on the agenda for now as Croatia doesn't fulfill the criteria.

Ressort: Consumer protection

Every EU Member State sends a commissioner to Brussels.

Croatia will be represented at the European Commission by the previous head of government Neven Mimica (59).

Mimica will be in charge of the consumer protection ressort. Up until now, this was part of the responsibilites of the Maltese Health Commissioner Tonio Borg.

Mimica was, until the EU accession, responsible for foreign relations and European integration in the Croatian government. He studied foreign trade at the university of Zagreb until 1976, and economic sciences until 1987.

EU Commission president José Manuel Barroso called Mimica an "experienced and engaged European."

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