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Extended guarantee: Survey of the ECC-Net

Your opinion is wanted

A new mobile phone, washing machine or car: When purchasing such goods, a commercial guarantee often seems valuable. These may be offered by the trader and exceed the legal guarantee with a minimum duration of two years.

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC Net) has now addressed this subject and wants to evaluate the benefits of such commercial guarantees which often can be very expensive for consumers.

On behalf of this, an online survey was created to ask European consumers for their opinion. The participation takes about two minutes and is possible until 26.09.2014. The survey is in English.

Link to the survey

The report about the results of the survey and the evaluation will be published in December 2014.

The ECC Net appreciates your participation!

The survey was closed, the ECC-Net thanks you for your participation!

Read about the results of the comprehensive study in this article: Legal and commercial guarantee

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