The European Commission wants to further improve the air passenger rights in Europe.
According to the new proposals, airlines will be obliged to inform their passengers regularly and as early as possible about details regarding their delayed or annulled flight, in any case 30 minutes before the planned departure the latest.
Furthermore, it is planned to clearly define in which cases airlines do not have to pay compensation due to "extraordinary circumstances".
Delay: extended from three to five hours
Whether a passenger is entitled to compensation payments depends on how much their flight is delayed. Regarding all EU flights and international short distance flights (up to 3.500km), the minimum delay will be five hours.
This should be enough time for the airlines to find a solution to the respective problem. The aim is to avoid flight cancellations and make it easier for airlines to operate the flight. The present three hours duration is often too short to get spare parts or another plane.
Clear complaint procedures with time limits
The EU Commission demands clear complaint procedures. Airlines will have one week to send an entry confirmation and two months to formally answer to the complaint. The Commission also recommends measures regarding price transparency and improved air passenger protection in case of insolvency of the airline.
More information: Press release and Memo of the EU Commission