Flight delay - What am I entitled to?
The regulations on claims in the event of delays are precisely defined in the Air Passenger Rights Regulation (EC No. 261/2004). Depending on the length of the flight and the duration of the delay, passengers are entitled to assistance and either re-routing as soon as possible or financial compensation.
Information and assistance obligation
According to the regulation, the extent of the care service depends on your delayed arrival time compared to the planned arrival time and the length of your flight route. Whether a flight takes place in the European Economic Area (EEA countries, see above) also plays a role. In practice, airlines usually hand out vouchers for airport restaurants. Sometimes, however, nothing is offered and passengers waiting are not informed of their entitlements. As a result, the necessary receipts for expenses incurred during the waiting time are often missing. So keep all receipts for such restaurant, taxi or hotel costs! You are only entitled to care services if the waiting time and flight distance fall into one of the following four categories:
- up to 1,500 km whether in or outside the EEA from 2 hours
(e.g. Vienna - Belgrade) - further than 1,500 km within the EEA from 3 hours
(e.g. Graz - Madrid) - between 1,500 and 3,500 km outside the EEA from 3 hours
(e.g. Innsbruck - Ankara) - further than 3,500 km outside the EEA from 4 hours
(e.g. Dublin - Cairo)
In the event of a delay of more than 5 hours, an airline must offer waiting passengers the option of a full refund of ticket costs if these passengers no longer wish to take the flight because the purpose of their journey has become pointless due to the delay.
In this case, if the passengers have already completed part of the flight (e.g. if it is an open jaw flight with a change of flights), the airline must also provide the return flight to the departure airport at the earliest possible time free of charge.
Compensation payment
✈ Are you not sure whether these rights also apply to your flight?
✈ Are you not sure which airline you should submit your claim to?
When does the airline not have to pay?
What should I do at the airport?
Downloads (German language material)
- offizielles EU-Beschwerdeformular an Fluglinien - Deutsch.pdf (121.75 KB)
- Musterbrief - Ausgleichszahlung bei Flugverspätung.docx (14.17 KB)
- Musterbrief - Fehlende Betreuungsleistungen Flug.docx (16.08 KB)
- Broschüre (Sozialministerium 2018) - Fliegen ohne Turbulenzen.pdf (2.78 MB)
- Verordnung (EG) Nr.216/2004: Fluggastrechte EU (Nichtbeförderung, Verspätung, Annullierung).pdf (107.58 KB)
Distance calculator for flight distances
Flightera website for checking flight numbers and delays
Submit a complaint to Ombudsstelle.at
Submit a conciliation request to the APF
Submit an arbitration request to Verbraucherschlichtung.at
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