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Speed limits on the roads of Europe


The ÖAMTC informes about speed limits observed when driving abroad.

Many Austrians use their car for a holiday get-away. Just driving off without any particular information can be expensive, because of the different speed limits in European countries. To save money and nerves the ÖAMTC tourism has summarized the main differences.

The main differences to the speed limits in Austria

  • Germany is the only European country without a general speed limit. In the primary road network a benchmark of 130 km/h is generally set. That does not mean that you can press the accelerator pedal fully without hesitation. On many routes there are indeed speed limits, for example in the Great German Corner on parts of the A8 between Munich and Salzburg and the A93 between Rosenheim and Kiefersfelden. In order to know how fast you can drive, look for the respective traffic signs.
  • Italy and Croatia are particularly popular holiday destinations among Austrians. Both countries have special speed limits applying for new drivers. As a foreigner, during the first three years after your license was issued, you are only allowed to drive 100 instead of 130 km/h on highways, and 90 instead of 110 km/h on motorways in Italy. In Croatia, there is a special arrangement for drivers under 25 years. You must always drive 10 km/h slower than older drivers. This special regulation is in general only for locals but the ÖAMTC tourism also recommends Austrian young drivers to adhere to it. Thus any inconvenience from the outset can be excluded.
  • Caution for trips to Slovenia and Hungary: On country roads a reduced speed limit of 90 km/h applies.
  • Special care is required in Norway as the lowest speed limits apply here. On highways there is in general a limit of 90 km/h. Only on some routes are 100 km/h allowed. In neighboring Sweden, there are some parts of the motorway where only 90 km/h are allowed.
  • Poland is the European champion of speed limits. Here, 140 km/h are permitted on the highways. Special regulations apply for driving in town as well: Between 23 and 5 o´clock 60 km/h instead of the 50 km/h during daytime are allowed. In the Ukraine, restrictions of 90 km/h out of town, 110 km/h on expressways and 130 km/h on motorways.
  • Russia is the only country apart from Poland, where in local areas more than 50 km/h are allowed.

Pay attention to local traffic signs

In general, you should always pay great attention to traffic signs and speed limits when driving abroad.
For more detailed information about the requirements in your holiday destination, please visit the website of the ÖAMTC.

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