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Musiktickets mit dem Aufdruck "Cancelled", daneben Geld und Smartphone
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Covid: Refunds for cancelled events

, last updated

Due to a new law (Kunst-, Kultur- und Sportsicherungsgesetz – KuKuSpoSiG) , organizers for events in Austria, have the possibility to issue a voucher for a part of the ticket price, instead of a full refund. This applies to all art, culture and sports events, that could not take place after March 13, 2020 due to the corona pandemic. However, events that are organized by the federal government, the state or a municipality are excluded. Alternatively, as a consumer, you can still accept an alternative date for the event if you agree.


Pictogram about "Voucher"


The voucher is not personalised for a certain name and can therefore be passed on to anyone.

The issuing of the voucher has to be free of costs for the consumer. If the voucher is not used by December 31, 2022, the organizer must refund the amount in cash at the consumer's request.

The amount of the ticket price determines how the reimbursement looks like in each single case:

  • Up to € 70, - the organizer can issue a voucher
  • Between € 70 - 250,- you have the right to receive the corresponding amount in cash
  • The organizer may issue a voucher again for all amounts over € 250,-
  • If a ticket is worth € 280,- you will receive a voucher of € 100,- and a sum of € 180,- as a replacement

If the cancelled event was part of a subscription (e.g. soccer-subscription), consumers can also request that the respective amount is used for the following subscription, instead of receiving a voucher.

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