The website "Consumer Classroom" celebrates its first anniversary. The multilingual "digital classroom" provides resources and ready-made lessons for teachers all across Europe.
What is Consumer Classroom?
The website is financed by the European Commission. Its aim is to encourage teachers to integrate consumer related topics in their lessons. Consumer Classroom provides resources in every language of the EU Member States and the possibility to connect and interact with other teachers and schools. Interested teachers can develop joint projects with other schools. The resources are suitable for students at the age of 12 to 18 years and can be adapted to individual requirements.
The website encourages dialog, as teachers and students can exchange opinions about topics like consumer protection, sustainability or financial literacy in the provided chat forums. It is also possible to ask experts for their advice.
European Consumer Day
Besides the teaching resources database and the chat forums, Consumer Classroom also informs about related events. It celebrated its birthday at the 16th "European Consumer Day" in Thessaloniki in Greece.
The conference focused on "Consumer protection and social inclusion in times of crisis" and was co-organised by the European Economic and Social Committee. One of the many high ranking speakers was Neven Mimica, the European Commissioner for Consumer Policy. On March 17th, a conference about "Getting Consumers Digital" which is supported by Consumer Classroom takes place at the Greek capital Athen.