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Rental Cars: Atlas Choice / Atlas Option insolvent

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Consumers are currently contacting the ECC regarding Atlas Choice and Atlas Option. Both are operated by the British company Evershine Travel Ltd which is insolvent since January 2017.

Atlas Choice / Atlas Option are intermediaries for rental cars. Most consumers already booked and paid for a car in mid-2016. They got a voucher which was accepted by the respective rental car company at their destination. The consumers therefore thought that the service was paid for and that everything was in order.

Months later, the rental car companies also charged the consumer's credit card. When consumers asked for an explanation, they claimed that Atlas Choice / Atlas Option never paid them the rental fee.

The insolvency proceedings against Evershine Travel Ltd. started in January, details are provided on the websites of Atlas Choice and Deloitte. You can try to lodge your claims.

ECC Austria will answer requests for information, please find our contact details at this link.

Updated on 23.08.2017

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