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Scams with eTA and ESTA

Overpriced on wrong websites

List of dubious websites:

  • official-canada-eta.com
  • kanadaeta.com
  • evisacanadaeta.com
  • estavisum.at
  • usestavisa.org
  • estaapplication.us/de
  • traveling-us.com/de
  • visum-us.com
  • canadatravel.online
  • esta.us/deutsch.html
  • evisaonline.com/de/usa/esta.html
  • egyptetravelling.com
  • global-immivisas.com

Update, 13.08.2018:

A consumer told us about the website "traveling-us.com/de" that offers highly overpriced visa for the US. We strongly advice to order visa and other documents on the website of the official authority only! The correct links are listed below in this article and are also available at the country information sites of the Austrian foreign ministry.

Update, 29.05.2018:

A consumer made us aware of a website that offers to organise Canadian visa (eTA) for 39 Euro. The official Canadian authority only charges seven Canadian dollars (appr. five Euro) for the same service!

We therefore strongly advise against applying for your visa on the website "canadatravel.online"! Instead, use the official website of the Canadian government: https://www.canada.ca/home.html

Please also read our tips below regarding a save application.


Currently, lots of consumers tell us about the newest scams with ESTA applications.

Unnoticed redirection

Consumers want to apply for their travel document on the seemingly professional website "http://www.esta.us/deutsch.html". As soon as they click on the respective button, they get redirected to another website. The consumers don't notice this as the websites look the same, only the URL in the browser line changes to "https://www.evisaonline.com/de/usa/esta.html".

Important note: None of those websites are operated by the official authority!


Their good appearance lets consumers believe that they are on the official website of the authority in charge. The application procedure for the ESTA document costs 88 US dollars. Well informed tourists may notice that this is highly overpriced. The document actually costs 14 USD. We don't know if consumers who pay receive a valid ESTA or any document at all.

Tips from your ECC

  • Find out which travel documents you need at the website of the Austrian Foreign Ministry (BMEIA) or of the respective embassy.
  • Don't search for the websites of the respective authority on Google! You may find all relevant official links in the travel information of the BMEIA.
  • Only apply for travel documents on those official websites and watch out for redirections while browsing. Check if the costs are realistic.
  • Get your ESTA exclusively from this website: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov

Already happend?

A consumer reported to us that she sent an e-mail with her complain to the trader. She explained that the ESTA application costs only 14 USD. The trader then refunded her the difference of 74 USD to her credit card.

Therefore, we recommend to contact the company via e-mail - with read confirmation - and to request a complete or partial refund of the paid price. If they refuse, you can ask your credit card company for a chargeback.

We want to thank all consumers who report dubious websites to us!

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