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Warning against Aliaz Cooperation SIA

A dubious supplier of sexual enhancers (Horsepower) is luring customers into subscription traps. Unwanted deliveries are repeatedly sent to people who have agreed to a free trial or single delivery. Surprising bills and demands from debt collection agencies promptly follow.

Important: Do you live in Germany?

Then please use the online complaint form of ECC Germany: https://www.evz.de/en/requests/

Consumers living in Austria can submit their claim to us, ECC Austria.

Sale of potency pills, cosmetics and diet pills

We receive numerous complaints every day regarding the "Aliaz Cooperation SIA" that operates several online shops. The products are strongly advertised in social media, like "Horsepower" for more potency or the diet pills "Fatkiller".

It is suggested to consumers that they are ordering a free sample or a single test package for a cheaper price.

Expensive subscription, unwanted deliveries

In fact, they conclude expensive subscription contracts. Consumers receive recurrent deliveries and costly invoices. The Aliaz Cooperation SIA therefore violates its statutory information duties which oblige them to inform consumers about the characteristics of the contract before they conclude it. They are not aware that it's a subscription.

Even more curious are those cases where consumers who never ordered anything from the Aliaz Cooperation SIA suddenly receive deliveries - linked with expensive invoices and payment reminders.

Contact of Aliaz and collecting agencies

We advise against paying for unwanted deliveries. Protest in writing against the invoices - the best way in these cases is an e-mail with reading confirmation.

The e-mail address of Aliaz is provided on the top of the invoices on the right side (under the postal address). You can also try to reach the following address: didzis@aliaz.lv

If you receive reminders of a collecting agency as well, we recommend to send the e-mail to both companies (the agency in CC). The e-mail address of the collecting agency should be provided on its letters.

Sample letters of the ECC regarding Aliaz Cooperation SIA

If you speak German, you can use our sample letters:

If not, make sure to state in the letter that you never wanted a subscription / never ordered a delivery and that you are withdrawing from any contracts with Aliaz Cooperation SIA according to § 11 FAGG.

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