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Warning against webshop RetinolLift

Orders with expensive consequences

A consumer complaint to us about the online shop "retinol-lift.com" that offers facial cremes who promise to make the skin look "younger".

Unfortunately, orders of the apparently cheap combi package lead to unexpected high costs. According to the Watchlist Internet, further amounts are debited from the credit cards of consumers, without consent.

The consumer also told us that she received more products than she ordered. She only wanted one single and never intended to conclude a subscription.

No clear company information

The imprint of the Website "retinol-lift.com" states that it is operated by a company situated in England.

However, if you click on the order button, you are automatically redirected to another website: "retinollift.com" (without the hyphen). This one lacks of an imprint, but names a Slovakian company in its T&C. This information is only available in English, even though the rest of the website is German.

Breach of button solution

Besides the lacking information in German, the online shops are also not complying to the button solution (read more). According to this legal obligation for European webshops, the total price as well as the details of the order (items, quantity, main features) have to be listed on the last page of the order process. The last button, with which the order is placed, has to clearly indicate the payment obligation of the customer.


If the information is missing, the contract is invalid and not binding.

Tips of the ECC regarding Retinol Lift

If you ordered at the webshop and further amounts have been charged from your credit card or debited from your bank account, we advise you to the following steps:

  • Contest the alleged contract by declaring the breaches of the button solution. If you speak German, you can use our sample text..
  • If you paid by credit card, contact your credit card provider and ask for a chargeback.
  • In any case, inform your bank or credit card provider about any unauthorised debits from your card or account. Those should be reversed and further ones blocked.

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