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Rights when booking and using hire cars

Rundes graues Piktogramm mit Auto- und Schlüsselsymbol vor einem Fotohintergrund, der eine breite Asphaltstraße an einer Küste zeigt
Image: EVZ Österreich

When using a hire car abroad, we recommend the ECC network's travel app for legal information, practical support and language assistance. (Find it in the Apple App Store  and Google Playstore) Further information on the subject of car hire, suitable sample letters and situation-specific instructions can be found in our guides below.

Our collected guides on the topic of car hire

Travelling with pets

Whether you get your new dog from the neigbouring country or don't want to leave your cat alone: There are many reasons to travel with pets. To manage this as smoothly as possible, some things should be considered. The ECC has an overview for you.

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