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packs of Aliaz potency pills
Image: fkie/ECC Austria

Help with ALIAZ: Horsepower & Co.

The company Aliaz Cooperation SIA sells, among other products, "Horsepower" pills.

New: Wave of warnings by JEDERMANN Inkasso (July 2019)

Keep cool! You will find more information below, under "Writing from debt collection company".

You didn't order anything, but got parcels from the trader?

Do not pay!

Do not return the packages. You can keep them or throw them away.


Send an e-mail to Aliaz: Here is a sample text in German lanuage: When you click here, the sample text opens

Fill in the number of the invoice and write your name at the end. Send the e-mail to didzis@aliaz.lv and at@fastsupport.eu.

You only ordered one product. The company sends more parcels and invoices?

Don't pay again!

Don't return the packages. You can keep them or throw them away.


Send an e-mail to Aliaz: Here is a sample text in German language: When you click here, the sample text opens

Fill in the number of the invoice and write your name at the end. Send the e-mail to didzis@aliaz.lv and at@fastsupport.eu.

You already sent an e-mail to the trader. The trader sends further invoices?

We help you

Send us an e-mail. We are the European Consumer Centre. Our e-mail address is info@europakonsument.at

Explain to us what happened:

  • Did you order?
  • How many packages did you receive?
  • Did you return any packages? How many?
  • Did you pay? How much?

Please also send us:

  • All invoices by the trader
  • All reminders by the trader and the eventual debt collection agency
  • Your mail to the trader
  • The reply of the trader

Letter from debt-collection agency

You received a reminder/invoice from the debt-collection agency, e.g. JEDERMANN Inkasso?

Don't be frightened!

  • If you didn't order anything from Aliaz, don't pay.
  • If you only ordered once from Aliaz, only pay this one invoice.

The picture below shows how the letters of JEDERMANN Inkasso look like. Why you shouldn't pay? More information is provided in our article: Warning against Aliaz

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