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Millions of counterfeit goods seized

Joint action at European ports

Over 1.2 million counterfeit products and 130 million cigarettes – this is the respectable record of a large scale operation of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) in cooperation with many international partners.

During a period of two weeks, hundreds of selected containers in international EU ports were checked by customs authorities. The operation with codename "Replica" was planned during an Asia-Europe-Meeting. Therefore, also Chinese officers participated in the action. OLAF coordinated the operation between the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland, eleven international partners as well as Interpol, Europol and the World Customs Organisation.

Replica was targeted against the import of counterfeit goods by sea. According to a press release of the European Commission, the seizure of cigarettes prevented the loss of €25 million in customs duties and taxes.

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) regularly coordinates such operations with the customs authorities of the Member States. For more information see the webseite of OLAF.

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