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Logo of an official state acclaimed arbitration body
Official logo Image: Republic of Austria

State-approved arbitration bodies

, last updated

All important contacts in Austria and the EU

In Austria, one general and seven sector-specific arbitration bodies are notified. A list of all contact details is provided below.


Energy Control
Energie-Control-Austria (E-Control)

Web: https://www.e-control.at/schlichtungsstelle
E-Mail: schlichtungsstelle@e-control.at
Address: Rudolfsplatz 13a, A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 24 7 24-0
Fax: +43 1 24 7 24-900

Arbitration body for telecommunication
Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR)

Conciliation in the field of telecommunications

Web: https://www.rtr.at/en/tk/TKKS_Schlichtung01
Webform: https://www.rtr.at/en/tk/Webformular
Address: Mariahilfer Strasse 77-79, A-1060 Vienna
Tel: 01 58058 888

Arbitration body for postal services
Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR)

Conciliation in the field of postal services

Web: https://www.rtr.at/en/post/PKS_Schlichtung
E-Mail: poststreitschlichtung@rtr.at
Address: Mariahilfer Strasse 77-79, A-1060 Vienna
Telefon: +43 1 580 58 0
Fax: +43 1 580 58 94 94

Agency for Passenger Rights (apf)
Agentur für Passagier- und Fahrgastrechte (apf)

Arbitration body for rail, bus, ship and air transport

Web: https://www.apf.gv.at/en/agency-for-passenger-rights.html
Webform Railway: https://www.apf.gv.at/en/complaint-form-train.html
Webform Plane: https://www.apf.gv.at/en/complaint-form-plane.html
Address: Linke Wienzeile 4/1/6, A-1060 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 5050 707 700
Fax: +43 1 5050 707 180

Austrian Banking Ombudsman
Gemeinsame Schlichtungsstelle der Österreichischen Kreditwirtschaft

Web: www.bankenschlichtung.at
Webform: https://www.bankenschlichtung.at/form.htm
E-Mail: office@bankenschlichtung.at
Address: Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0)1 505 42 98
Fax: +43 (0) 590 900 - 118 337

Internet Ombudsman

Web: www.ombudsmann.at
Webform: https://secure.ombudsmann.at/schlichtung.php/cat/11/title/Beschwerde
Address: Margaretenstrasse 70/2/10, A-1050 Vienna
Tel: +43 - 1 - 595 21 12
Fax: +43 - 1 - 595 21 12 99

Ombudsstelle Fertighaus
Conciliation Office for Premanufactured Houses

Website: https://www.ombudsstelle-fertighaus.org
E-Mail: ombudsstelle@fertighaus.org
Address: Gonzagagasse 4/3/3, A-1010 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 890 22 99

For cross-border conflicts and ODR

European Consumer Centre Austria (ECC) - Online Dispute Resolution Contact Point

The ECC Austria as ODR Contact Point provides support in case of difficulties with submitting your complaint at the ODR platform.
E-Mail: odr@europakonsument.at
E-Mail: info@europakonsument.at

"ODR" means "Online Dispute Resolution". Consumers can submit their complaints on the new ODR platform of the EU. Please find the website here.

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