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by Train, Coach or Ship

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ECJ clarifies ship passenger rights

A decision of the Euroean Court of Justice strengthened the rights of ship passengers in September 2021. More and more tourists are travelling on Austrian waters, so this ruling is also increasingly relevant in this country. We provide an outlook on these passenger rights and compensation payments due.

Connecting Europe Express comes to Austria

The blue Connecting Europe Express is travelling across Europe in September, during the #EUYearofRail, to raise awareness for rail development across Europe.

Outlook on new EU rail passenger rights

The updated EU rail passenger rights will be implemented in 2023. The agreed changes are a compromise between more far-reaching demands of the EU Parliament and positions of the majority of transport ministers of the EU Council, which in turn include more national and economic interests. All in all, it is a further improvement of rail passenger rights and is on its way to be cast into national laws. Because of the #EuropanYearOfRail, we have a look into the future of rail passenger rights.

🚊Train journey - your rights

The EU has been regulating rail passengers' rights since 2009. You can find out which rights are guaranteed in this regulation, for example in the case of train delays or information obligations by the railway companies, as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions in our article. We updated on the occasion of the proclaimed EU "Year of Rail 2021".

Brexit - travellers and consumers

In the referendum on 23 June 2016, 52 percent of Britons voted in favour of Brexit. On 24 December, the EU and the UK concluded a far-reaching trade and partnership agreement. What are the consequences for consumers in Europe? Here are some hints about the changes from the perspective of travellers and consumers

🚌Long-distance coach - your rights

The Bus Passengers Rights Regulation of the EU protects consumers travelling long distances by bus since 2013. Find out more about your options in case of delays, cancellations or accidents.

Modernisation of rail passenger rights

The European Commission is updating the European rules on rail passenger rights to better protect train travellers in case of delays, cancellations or discrimination.

Travelling with pets

Whether you get your new dog from the neigbouring country or don't want to leave your cat alone: There are many reasons to travel with pets. To manage this as smoothly as possible, some things should be considered. The ECC has an overview for you.

Safety at the EURO 2016

The EURO 2016 is not only a challenge for the competing teams. In the face of terror, strikes and aggressive fan groups, the security authorities have to deal with a huge responsibility. ECC Austria has gathered important information and helpful links, so that you can enjoy the EURO - safe and relaxed.


The major football event has started and Austria is part of it. Fans have every reason to be excited: For the first time ever, the national team qualified for the European championship. A huge success and a very good reason to travel to the EURO in France in June.

Travelling to the EURO 2016

Many roads lead to France - whether you travel fast by plane, relaxed by train or individually by car.

Facebook chat on passenger rights

20.04.2015 / The portal "Your Europe" - in cooperation with DG MOVE - organises a live Facebook chat on 28th April regarding EU passenger rights.

Little dictionary for booking a journey

Contractual partner, comparison portal, intermediary, operator: When you book a journey, it is important to know who your contractual partner is. Sounds simple, but with online booking, things can get confusing. The European Consumer Centre Austria has summarised the most important terms for you.

ECC-Net: Travel App

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) developed an App to support consumers while travelling in Europe. In 25 languages, the mobile application helps in situations like lost baggage, delayed flights or return of damaged goods.

Schienen-Control GmbH

New independent arbitration board since 28th of May 2015: apf - agency for passenger rights!

Your rights on coach tours

EU Regulation No 181/2011 changes the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport within the whole EU.

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