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Air travel: Denied boarding

If you were at the check-in counter on time, having valid travel documents with you and were still denied boarding you are entitled to several rights and services.

Air travel: Cancellation

In case your booked flight was cancelled, you are entitled to several rights and services.

Travelling with pets

Whether you get your new dog from the neigbouring country or don't want to leave your cat alone: There are many reasons to travel with pets. To manage this as smoothly as possible, some things should be considered. The ECC has an overview for you.

Olympic Games 2016

2016 offers a lot to sport fans: Only a few weeks after the UEFA EURO, the Summer Olympics are just about to start in Rio de Janeiro. ECC Austria collected important information and helpful tips for consumers who travel to Brazil.

Safety at the EURO 2016

The EURO 2016 is not only a challenge for the competing teams. In the face of terror, strikes and aggressive fan groups, the security authorities have to deal with a huge responsibility. ECC Austria has gathered important information and helpful links, so that you can enjoy the EURO - safe and relaxed.


The major football event has started and Austria is part of it. Fans have every reason to be excited: For the first time ever, the national team qualified for the European championship. A huge success and a very good reason to travel to the EURO in France in June.

Travelling to the EURO 2016

Many roads lead to France - whether you travel fast by plane, relaxed by train or individually by car.

EU Parliament: Passenger name record and data protection

The European Parliament today, Thursday, decided in favor of the controversial Passenger Name Record (PNR) Directive. At the same time, the data protection reform was enacted, with which the diverse regulations of the Member States should become unified standards.

Air Passenger Rights: Many obstacles for consumers

The number of people travelling by air keeps increasing. That is why air passenger rights are one of the most important consumer rights within the EU. However, since the beginning of 2015, European Consumer Centres received more than 4000 complaints from consumers across Europe who had difficulties receiving compensation in case of delayed or cancelled flights.

Air Lituanica in bankruptcy

11.09.2015: Following the Decision of 24th of August 2015, Vilnius District Court filled a bankruptcy case for UAB "Air Lituanica".

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