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Help abroad

30.04.2018 / New rules for EU citizens

The new package travel law

On 1. July 2018, the new package travel law (PRG) came into force in Austria. It brought a lot of new rules, designed for the digital age and its new ways of travel booking. The aim to strengthen and modernise the protection for travellers brings more complexity.

🚌Long-distance coach - Your rights

The Bus Passengers Rights Regulation of the EU protects consumers travelling long distances by bus since 2013. Find out more about your options in case of delays, cancellations or accidents.

Terror and natural disasters

Currently, frightened consumers turn to the ECC, because they planned a trip and are unsure whether or not it is secure. On behalf of the Ministry (BMASK), we provide free advice on "Danger at destination". Many consumers want to know if they can withdraw from the journey free of charge.

Modernisation of rail passenger rights

The European Commission is updating the European rules on rail passenger rights to better protect train travellers in case of delays, cancellations or discrimination.

Hurricane Maria

19.09.2017 / Puerto Rico, DomRep and Virgin Islands endangered

Defects at destination

ECC Austria knows how to deal with travel deficiencies and which rights consumers have.

Driving bans in Italy

Who drives in Italy with his car should be aware of driving bans in the city centres. Driving in a so called "zona a traffico limitato" without a special permit is expensive.

Timeshare on Gran Canaria

Holidays, finally! Walking on the beach, relaxing and enjoying the good life. Suddenly, someone approaches you with an offer. ECC Austria advises to be very careful.

Travelling with pets

Whether you get your new dog from the neigbouring country or don't want to leave your cat alone: There are many reasons to travel with pets. To manage this as smoothly as possible, some things should be considered. The ECC has an overview for you.

Strict rules for Airbnb

Spring 2017 will bring many changes for Airbnb and similar platforms. Several cities passed new laws to further regulate the private rental of accommodations.

Air rescue

In dicey situations, minutes can decide over life and death of a patient. Especially then, helicopter operations are an important part of emergency services.

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