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Rights & Rules

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Consumer Scoreboard 2015

The Consumer Scoreboard, an annual survey of the EU Commission, shows where consumers see problems within the European Single Market.

Google and data protection

The subliminal fear of risks regarding their personal data accompanies consumers during their daily online businesses. Internet services like Google and several social networks have brought simplification for our everyday life and therefore giving up on them is hard. The question is: what can you do to reach the highest possible level of security and privacy?


Your opinion is wanted!

Agency for passenger rights

The Austrian Federal Ministry for transport, innovation and technology (bmvit) provides a new service.

Help abroad: Equal treatment for EU citizens

A new EU Directive regulates that EU citizens in emergency situations can make use of consular protection worldwide. Even if their home country is not represented at their destination, they are entitled to equal treatment by diplomatic or consular authorities of other EU Member States.

Dangerous products 2014

23.03.2015 / RAPEX, the European Rapid Alert System for dangerous non-food products, has published its annual report.

Legal and commercial guarantee

The Network of European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net) is often contacted by consumers who purchased a defected product. Many of them don't know who they can contact or what they are entitled to. A study now shows that the traders themselves, consciously or unconsciously, contribute to that uncertainty.

Consumer Champion

Professionals and organisations which are interested in European consumer topics and seek education in this area are given a new possibility: Consumer Champion.

New EU Commission in office

After approval for the candidates of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker from the European Parliament, the Commission was able to assume office on 1. November 2014. Some structural changes were set, which also affects consumer policies.

Millions of counterfeit goods seized

Over 1.2 million counterfeit products and 130 million cigarettes – this is the respectable record of a large scale operation of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) in cooperation with many international partners.

Cyberbullying among students

Social networks play a big role among young people. But many have to face the downside of this trend: Cyberbullying has gained sad popularity. The EU initiative Consumer Classroom provides free material for teachers who want to address this issue in their lessons.

New Ten Euro Banknote

The new banknote will be in circulation within the EU on 23. September 2014. Due to its new security features it will be easier for consumers to check if it is authentic.

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